

Sometimes the stupidity of the world leaves me in disbelief.
This is not one of those times.

Amazing. Really, REALLY amazing.


There are no words for this.
I was driving this morning and on the radio I hear them talking about "slimming", the new fad with teens these days. It's the new way to get and hard. So, ok fine. Then I hear them mention tampons and soaking them in Vodka. Hmmm, i'm thinking this is nasty. Who wants to suck alcohol out of a tampon??!!! Nope, that is not what they are doing. These tampons are going right where they were designed to go, right after they are drenched with an alcohol of choice???!!! And for the boys, well........

This has so many things wrong with it.

oh yeah and then there's the anal beer bong......

Swamp People.

These people are really out there. Really.

Season 2 premieres tonight. Convenient eh?


Wait, I thought you said Bio Engineering?

Glow in the dark monkeys, and beefalo and ligers, Oh My...

Bronze Ezee

"...and it colors the skin a beautiful natural-looking golden-copper tan when taken orally."

The things popular in the world of body building and figure competitions never fail to amaze me.
I think I'll just eat carrots.