
Bulletproof Skin

Leave it to the Dutch to see a comic turned Hollywood movie such as Spiderman or Superman and bring it to reality (yeah, I don't really know what I mean by that either).

This is the news I was fed today:
Scientists combine spider silk and goat's milk to create bulletproof human skin.

Seriously? This is a joke. Right?
Then I watched this video:

Which has this transcript:

Man of steel? More like -- man of silk. If one Dutch researcher has her way -- Superman won’t be the only one reflecting bullets anymore.

Take a pinch of spider silk, add a splash of goat’s milk and you have the basis for project2.6g 329m/s -- named for weight and velocity of a .22 caliber long rifle bullet. This recipe might sound like a fairy tale concoction, but it’s no hocus pocus -- it’s how you make bulletproof skin.

So -- grab a few goats and let’s get started. io9 says,

“ starts by having to milk spider-goats. Spider goats are otherwise innocent-looking goats that have been genetically engineered to produce milk packed with the protein made in spider’s silk.”

Once the protein is separated from the goat’s milk, it’s spun into fiber and mixed with human skin cells. says -- the material you get is tougher than it sounds.

Oookay, I get it, this is a joke, totally, nice, makes sense.

Then I see this:

Yeah yeah, ok, I know, insert jokes about the credibility of Fox News here.

But seriously, they're literally simulating all the scenarios we see in movies where scientist start fucking with the genetics of humans and adding the super powers of animals/insects only to have something go terribly awry and next thing you know, NY is on fire, bridges are closed and there are Special Ops teams deploying in helicopters.

This actually sounds really amazing. I hope they try to start making bulletproof humans sooner than later. Maybe there'd finally be some reality on TV that I'd watch!

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