
Hipster Ipsum

Some of you may have never come across the need for Lorem Ipsum.

<Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. It is used as a placeholder to demonstrate the length and formatting of text to come in layouts, etc.>

But, for those of you who have/do use and see it, and who are likely too cool for the traditional Latin filler I now present to you: Hipster Ipsum.

Yes, someone, who is likely living in the Mission and ironically wearing clothing from a company owned by the Gap, Inc corporation without realizing and at Blue Bottle at 3 pm on a weekday, took the time to create a new filler text generator that will speak to the "I'm too cool for tradition" in each of you.

You get to choose how many paragraphs, and whether you want your Ipsum neat, or dirty (with a touch of Latin).

They're so clever, the "enter" button even says, "Beer Me" instead. It should just say, "Pabst Me" because we all know that hipsters love that cheap shit.

I did a test and asked for three paragraphs, neat. Guess what I saw... PBR, American Apparel, trust fund, "you probably haven't heard of them" (multiple times actually), etsy, jean shorts, helvetica (this one actually made me chuckle), vegan, and a bunch of other shit.

I encourage you to try it yourself, because it seems to make fun of hipsters in its own way, intentional or not. Also, a new game: Hipster Ipsum ordered dirty (mixed with Latin) and try to determine which words are Latin and which words are made up by people who are cooler than you.

If you're super cool, or rather "Know about some underground, next level shit" you can submit a word.

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