
Bacon Ipsum

What's cooler than Hipsters these days? Bacon.
So, not to be left behind... Bacon Ipsum.

Your options include "All Meat" or "Meat and Filler".

Here's the test paragraph I generated, with filler:

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet ullamco leberkäse aute ut, tongue boudin adipisicing officia ground round pastrami. Bacon pariatur frankfurter, voluptate tenderloin fatback sirloin ut capicola sint flank. Bacon esse excepteur consectetur. Dolore nulla pork loin commodo eu duis, strip steak drumstick sint biltong sausage dolore flank. Pork tenderloin swine aliquip strip steak ad pariatur tempor. Bresaola cillum reprehenderit, tail ut nulla ad beef mollit tempor jowl ham elit enim. Duis prosciutto capicola, fugiat aute culpa bacon proident ex tongue short loin sausage.

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