
Fire at your fingertips

Ok, maybe not fingertips, but wrists:
Lighter Cufflinks. Limited Edition of course.

"Includes two silver lighter cufflinks that actually produce a flame when lighter fluid is added. Yes, this is happening."

Their description is comical in it's own right. They know how ridiculous this is, and they love it.

"Your cufflinks: more than adequate for fastening shirtsleeves.
Not as useful when you need a light.

Which brings us to these miniature lighter cufflinks, the ideal combination of a simple, elegant garment accessory and an open flame.

They’re silver, they work with a Charvet, and they actually function as fluid-operated cigarette lighters. The idea is simple: put on shirt, fasten links and make the acquaintance of the woman with the pack of Dunhills and an expectant look on her face. Remove links and offer up a light.

Then wait for sparks to fly."

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