
This is the scariest effin' thing I've seen in a long long time.

I can't begin to verbalize how disturbing I find this, so I'll just show you:

Are you asking WTF?! yet? You should be.
These are masks you can buy from an artist's company called They run about $250 each, but are handcrafted.
Here are your three lovely options:

Disgusted Baby:
Happy Baby:
Cry Baby:

He also has some youtube videos, but I can't bring myself to post them. They all look like Psycho Baby to me.


Canoe Dancing

I heard about this at breakfast this morning, and I was really hoping that it was more entertaining! I guess Stephen Colbert decided that America needs to get behind the next big sport....Canoe Dancing. He will be the only reason that more than 15 people know about it. This is quite possibly the most boring sport to watch. I was envisioning people flailing their arms and legs about while standing in the canoe together, balancing on the edge and moving it around in sync. You can imagine my disappointment when this is what I found.


More Notable Floatables

A skinny girl riding a white swan... wasn't this a big movie last year?

$1000 "Cum-Lamps"... makes me kinda happy I wasn't born rich.

Yes, that's a floating Futon. These had to be invented by a college student, a genius college student. Prices range from $159 - $249, but hey, they're still cheaper than those "Cum-Lamps".

Honestly, I have never seen a more miserable lab, and labs love water, and that floating piece of misery is $129.50.

Does anyone else think this looks just a little too close for comfort and those smiles are a mix of "cheese" and "alright, get me out of this thing already, someone keeps kicking me."

"It's cool, you can sit on my face."
That joke would never get old.

Why do I keep seeing a trailer park in my head?

Funoodles are old news

I remember when Funoodles first hit the summer pool party scene. All the rage they were, and then once you figured out you could blow water out the end, they were renewed with desirability. So simple, someone made tons of money off those things.

I'm gearing up for my yachting adventure through the British Virgin Islands with a small group of friends this summer. Yes, I just wrote that sentence. This entails bringing along some sort of inflatable water toy/play item, it's THAT kind of trip. I'm really really hoping I get searched at the airport, because I am packing the most ridiculous medley of items. Excited.

In my search, I was expecting the $9.99 silver/multi-colored inflatable lounger and maybe some updated version (colors) of Funoodles, what I discovered was many many more advanced items. Here's a quick overview of my progression:

Water Trampolines: Fun. Excessive. With all the dangers of a regular trampoline, but the added component of drowning if you hurt yourself. They're basically the perfect water toy, but they're heavy and cumbersome and too big to pack. They also start at about $549.

Then there's the $929 Water Teeter Totter: There is absolutely NO WAY that thing is even close to $900 worth of fun. I mean, I can't even think of a way I could use it to hurt myself, unless I tried to tow it behind something moving very fast, or launch someone off one end by jumping on the opposite from somewhere very high. Yup, I'm bored already. I feel bad for those kids, with their bright orange life jackets. You're teenagers, learn how to swim.

Hamster Wheel: I've never taken a cruise because I'm terrorized by the thought of being stuck on a boat day in and day out. It sounds boring, and like I might go stir crazy. We used to sail all over the Northwest with my father too, so I'm not unfamiliar with the concept of being out at sea. This hamster wheel seems like the perfect solution to that problem. I could just run along next to the yacht as we putter from island to island.

But then I saw this version:
And then I found THIS:

The Hydro Bronc.
I've been river rafting, I've been down some serious rapids on the Rogue, rapids you had to get out of the boat and scout, that you couldn't afford to make a mistake on. I can't imagine taking an overgrown presumably floating hamster wheel down any rapids of any size that created any white water.
But I really want one.

The website tells me this:

"You can also play interactive games such as water bumpers, soccer, races etc. Two or more is twice the FUN!"

Hear that? TWICE the fun. Ok, I want two. Also, did they say soccer?

I believe my search is complete.


Something Ridiculous I Would Use

Normally I abhor these silly workout things.
Normally I chide anyone who would be so naive to buy into these things.

What the ab-vac has going for it is my OCD clean mother, who also has a six pack at age 58.

So, shamefully I admit, I would use this. Because working out and cleaning my floors simultaneously is actually very appealing and efficient.

If someone bought this for me as a joke, I would chuckle with the rest of them at the audaciousness of society to create such an item, and then... then I would go home and get my ab-vac on, while watching Burn Notice.

Don't believe me? I'll post a video of myself ab-vacuuming if someone can track down this piece of informercial genius for me.

Don't forget to get the bundle with the Ab-Sweep for free.

(Special thanks to James for this gem)


Hot Doll

The Hot Doll, for dogs.

"The 1st Sex Toy and Companion for your dog."



Oh, and it's 149.00 Euros.

Yeah, that is all.


Canned Meat

As disgusting as SPAM® is, this post is not about that mystery meat I've loathed my whole life, because quite frankly, SPAM® is old news. Old, disgusting, mashed up, unidentifiable news.

There is a new canned meat out there to make me puke in my mouth just a little...

Chicken In A Can.
A whole chicken, in a can, fully cooked.
Puke In My Mouth.

Sweet Sue, there is nothing good or home-stlye about your canned chicken. It looks like the robot from The Jetsons is giving birth to the thing from Alien.

People eat this.
Oh dear god.


We live in a crazy universe, inside our heads (and out)

This is just kind of awesome and makes me get all reflective and stuff... man, this world/universe/life is amazing.

I have the best friends who send me all kinds of interesting stuff. Thanks to Jeff for this one.


Bee Dogs

Do you remember the first time you discovered the concept of fetishes, like a foot fetish or furries, and you thought, wow, there are people out there who are really into (fill in random fetish here)? <mind momentarily blown>

I had that moment this morning, when I came across this:

I refrained from posting any pics because I didn't want to ruin it for you, but I will give you this quote:

" is the premier online repository for pictures of..."

Don't worry, this is safe for work.