
More Notable Floatables

A skinny girl riding a white swan... wasn't this a big movie last year?

$1000 "Cum-Lamps"... makes me kinda happy I wasn't born rich.

Yes, that's a floating Futon. These had to be invented by a college student, a genius college student. Prices range from $159 - $249, but hey, they're still cheaper than those "Cum-Lamps".

Honestly, I have never seen a more miserable lab, and labs love water, and that floating piece of misery is $129.50.

Does anyone else think this looks just a little too close for comfort and those smiles are a mix of "cheese" and "alright, get me out of this thing already, someone keeps kicking me."

"It's cool, you can sit on my face."
That joke would never get old.

Why do I keep seeing a trailer park in my head?

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