
Death Neck(lace)

I remember when I first saw the "lucky rabbits foot" trend take off in my youth. Even then I wondered, "Are those real?!" For some reason I just couldn't get behind the idea of rubbing the chopped off appendage of a dead bunny, or worse yet, some poor now three-footed rabbit half-hopping along out there (and predictably named "Tripod" or "Lucky" ha, ok, that last one is a bit ironic). I believe I was told they were not real. I'm gonna refrain from googling that to see if it's true or not.

Well, here's the updated version:

The chopped off appendage of a dead wildcat. Guaranteed real. To wear around your neck.

"Real wildcat paw strung on a choker length strand of chrome ballchain (16") The paw measures 2" in length and the fur has been neatly sewn closed on the top where it connects to the chain (not just lopped off, so no exposed bone or tissue). It has been prepared with modern taxidermy chemicals and will remain preserved indefinitely if cared for properly."

Thank god she clarified that it's "not just lopped off" with bone and tissue exposed. TO WEAR AROUND YOUR NECK.

Also, maybe it's the organic Oregon hippy in me, but any "modern taxidermy chemicals" that can prevent animal flesh from rotting or decaying "indefinitely" don't seem like things I want rubbing on my skin, or Around. My. Neck.

And just in case I wasn't scared enough from all that, she throws this little tidbit in:

"I have been creating shrines, fetishes, and totems from animal remains for over 20 years."

I bet you have.
The science nerd in me would like to point out that humans are technically classified in the animal kingdom. Just saying. She exists, and so do her creepy dead feet necklaces.

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